Charitable organization

Fred Victor Centre


Community developmentHealthOutreach and welfare
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CRA registration number:

Marie MacCormack
36 Lombard,Suite 300,TORONTO,ON,CA,M5C2X3

Fred Victor is a dynamic, innovative, rapidly growing multi-service organization with a 125-year track record of addressing the needs of people who are homeless or living on very low incomes in Toronto. Services include permanent affordable housing, transitional housing, shelter, drop-in programs and community services, mental & physical health services, food access, employment & training services and a social purpose enterprise. We serve individuals, couples and families (approximately 12,000 unique individuals each year) and are currently the only organization on Toronto that accepts homeless people and their pets. As a key player and founding member of the Toronto Alliance to End Homelessness, Fred Victor is part of an advisory group the City turns to for recommendations and evidence-based information.
Fred Victor is a dynamic, innovative, rapidly growing multi-service organization with a 125-year track record of addressing the needs of people who are homeless or living on very low incomes in Toronto. Services include permanent affordable housing, transitional housing, shelter, drop-in programs and community services, mental & physical health services, food access, employment & training services and a social purpose enterprise. We serve individuals, couples and families (approximately 12,000 unique individuals each year) and are currently the only organization on Toronto that accepts homeless people and their pets. As a key player and founding member of the Toronto Alliance to End Homelessness, Fred Victor is part of an advisory group the City turns to for recommendations and evidence-based information.

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Charitable organization

Fred Victor Centre


Community developmentHealthOutreach and welfare

CRA registration number:

Marie MacCormack
36 Lombard,Suite 300,TORONTO,ON,CA,M5C2X3

Fred Victor is a dynamic, innovative, rapidly growing multi-service organization with a 125-year track record of addressing the needs of people who are homeless or living on very low incomes in Toronto. Services include permanent affordable housing, transitional housing, shelter, drop-in programs and community services, mental & physical health services, food access, employment & training services and a social purpose enterprise. We serve individuals, couples and families (approximately 12,000 unique individuals each year) and are currently the only organization on Toronto that accepts homeless people and their pets. As a key player and founding member of the Toronto Alliance to End Homelessness, Fred Victor is part of an advisory group the City turns to for recommendations and evidence-based information.

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