Charitable organization

Big Brothers Big Sisters Of Canada-Les Grands Freres Grandes Soeurs Du Canada

Toronto, ON

Community developmentEducation and researchYouth/children

CRA registration number:

110 - 220a Yonge St,Toronto,ON,CA,M5B2H1

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada (BBBSC) is the National office for its member agencies in communities across Canada. Together we mobilize over 17,000 volunteers who in turn mentor almost 32,000 children and young people. Young people who face adversity and are in need of an additional consistent and supportive developmental relationship access this critical intervention at no cost to the individual or family. Each Big Brothers Big Sisters agency provides direct service to children by matching volunteers and youth in intentional mentoring relationships to support the young person?s development. The National Office provides a range of core services that build capacity, guide standards and provide efficiencies for local agency operations. Our agency staff members are trained professional experts. They screen volunteers and match them with a mentee having similar interests. BBBSC provides services and programs to our member agencies to assist them with their work with parents, guardians, mentees, and volunteers. Ranging from staff training workshops to our leading Child Safety Program, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada works diligently to ensure children who need this superior quality programming can access it in all parts of the country. Our mission is to enable life-changing mentoring relationships to ignite the power and potential of young people.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada (BBBSC) is the National office for its member agencies in communities across Canada. Together we mobilize over 17,000 volunteers who in turn mentor almost 32,000 children and young people. Young people who face adversity and are in need of an additional consistent and supportive developmental relationship access this critical intervention at no cost to the individual or family. Each Big Brothers Big Sisters agency provides direct service to children by matching volunteers and youth in intentional mentoring relationships to support the young person?s development. The National Office provides a range of core services that build capacity, guide standards and provide efficiencies for local agency operations. Our agency staff members are trained professional experts. They screen volunteers and match them with a mentee having similar interests. BBBSC provides services and programs to our member agencies to assist them with their work with parents, guardians, mentees, and volunteers. Ranging from staff training workshops to our leading Child Safety Program, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada works diligently to ensure children who need this superior quality programming can access it in all parts of the country. Our mission is to enable life-changing mentoring relationships to ignite the power and potential of young people.

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Charitable organization

Big Brothers Big Sisters Of Canada-Les Grands Freres Grandes Soeurs Du Canada

Toronto, ON

Community developmentEducation and researchYouth/children

CRA registration number:

110 - 220a Yonge St,Toronto,ON,CA,M5B2H1

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada (BBBSC) is the National office for its member agencies in communities across Canada. Together we mobilize over 17,000 volunteers who in turn mentor almost 32,000 children and young people. Young people who face adversity and are in need of an additional consistent and supportive developmental relationship access this critical intervention at no cost to the individual or family. Each Big Brothers Big Sisters agency provides direct service to children by matching volunteers and youth in intentional mentoring relationships to support the young person?s development. The National Office provides a range of core services that build capacity, guide standards and provide efficiencies for local agency operations. Our agency staff members are trained professional experts. They screen volunteers and match them with a mentee having similar interests. BBBSC provides services and programs to our member agencies to assist them with their work with parents, guardians, mentees, and volunteers. Ranging from staff training workshops to our leading Child Safety Program, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada works diligently to ensure children who need this superior quality programming can access it in all parts of the country. Our mission is to enable life-changing mentoring relationships to ignite the power and potential of young people.

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