Giving Group

YWAM Aruba

Join this group to get updates, show your support, and connect with other group members.

Group created on Sep 16, 2023

Total raised since group was created




Total given to charities, Campaigns, or other Givings Groups


Money currently available to give from this group

This Giving Group supports...

YWAM Canada


Group Admins

The mission of YWAM Aruba is to help restore God’s love in families. Our vision is healthy and strong families in Aruba and the Caribbean. Please visit for more information about the ministries in Aruba.

The Group's Purpose

Coming from many different backgrounds and working in a wide range of situations, YWAMers are united in their desire to be part of changing people's lives and have responded to the "Great Commission" -- Jesus' command to His disciples to: "go into all the world and tell the good news."

How to Help

Every day, YWAM staff members go above and beyond to change lives by caring for those in need and by sharing their faith. Your support empowers YWAMers to continue the important work they’re a part of!

About the Organizers

YWAM’s purpose is simply to know God and to make Him known. YWAM operates in more than 1000 locations in over 150 countries, with a staff of nearly 16,000.

Group created on Sep 16, 2023

Total raised since group was created




Total given to charities, Campaigns, or other Givings Groups


Money currently available to give from this group

This Giving Group supports...

YWAM Canada


What’s an Impact Account?

A free, all-in-one giving platform to maximize your giving and support what you care about with more intention, meaning, and real-world impact.

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Our database of over 86,000 charities is updated weekly to ensure every single one is in good standing with the CRA.

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Giving Group

YWAM Aruba

Join this group to get updates, show your support, and connect with other group members.

Group Admins

The mission of YWAM Aruba is to help restore God’s love in families. Our vision is healthy and strong families in Aruba and the Caribbean. Please visit for more information about the ministries in Aruba.

The Group's Purpose

Coming from many different backgrounds and working in a wide range of situations, YWAMers are united in their desire to be part of changing people's lives and have responded to the "Great Commission" -- Jesus' command to His disciples to: "go into all the world and tell the good news."

How to Help

Every day, YWAM staff members go above and beyond to change lives by caring for those in need and by sharing their faith. Your support empowers YWAMers to continue the important work they’re a part of!

About the Organizers

YWAM’s purpose is simply to know God and to make Him known. YWAM operates in more than 1000 locations in over 150 countries, with a staff of nearly 16,000.

Group created on Sep 16, 2023

Total raised since group was created




Total given to charities, Campaigns, or other Givings Groups


Money currently available to give from this group

This Giving Group supports...

YWAM Canada


What’s an Impact Account?

A free, all-in-one giving platform to maximize your giving and support what you care about with more intention, meaning, and real-world impact.

Give to any Canadian registered charity

Our database of over 86,000 charities is updated weekly to ensure every single one is in good standing with the CRA.

Be ready when disaster strikes

Keep adding, bit by bit. When the unexpected happens, you’ll be ready to give without putting extra pressure on your budget.

Discover why Charitable Impact is the trusted giving partner to thousands of generous Canadians.