Our Ukraine Humanitarian Giving Group has been raising funds since Russia invaded Ukraine 18 months ago. We are humbled and greatly appreciative of the charities on the ground helping with supplies and support for all of the displaced and impacted families.
We extended fundraising into 2023 because we we are so close to reaching our campaign goal! To ensure your donations reach Ukraine quickly, we sent $10,000 to Save the Children and Doctors Without Borders (Canada) respectively early in the campaign. In 2022, we deployed $75,000 to our primary charity - Canadian Red Cross and sent another $25,000 in 2023 to reach our initial Campaign goal!
Latest figures coming out of European news sources suggest that 7 million people have fled Ukraine and more than 6.5 million are displaced within the country. Conditions within Ukraine are continue to decline 18 months into the invasion and there isn't a clear path to resolution in 2023.
“Thank you so much for your extraordinary gift in support of the Ukraine Humanitarian Crisis Appeal. We could not be more grateful – your support means everything to our Red Cross colleagues on the ground.
Fighting has continued for nearly 4 weeks now and the humanitarian the needs are immense. More than 3.2 million people have left Ukraine and crossed into neighbouring countries. Many have left their homes and loved ones not knowing whether they will ever see them again.
Thanks to your generosity, we’ve committed $45 million to the Red Cross response to date - 2/3 will be used to support those impacted in Ukraine and 1/3 will go to support those in bordering countries. We’ve also sent thousands of emergency relief items and deployed 9 humanitarian experts to the region.
Thank you again for your immense kindness. Your $50,000 gift will go a long way towards providing much needed help.
Best to each of you…”
Our giving group supports charities working to help families facing humanitarian crisis within Ukraine and the millions of refugees making their way to safety in surrounding European countries. Today marks a milestone that was made possible with our group's collective efforts - we are providing $50,000 to the Red Cross to help during the crisis. We have 11 days left in our giving campaign and will continue to raise and disperse funds as the situation escalates.
Thank you to everyone who has joined our group. We are more impactful as a collective.
Displaced families, civilian shelling and mounting food supply issues are extending the need for humanitarian support in Ukraine. We are hoping this week will bring more negotiations towards a peaceful resolution but it will get worse before it gets better.
Our giving group raised over $11,000 last week - thank you to all who contributed. We will be contacting the team at the Red Cross this week and are looking at other ways to efficiently help children and families impacted by this occupation.
Red-Cross matching funds were announced on February 26th, 2022 and the limit was quickly reached by March 2nd. We will continue to look for ways to amplify the impact of your donation. We consider our impact to be stronger as a collective and will donate significant funds on behalf of our giving group.
Please connect if you would like to donate matching funds through this group.
of $100,000.00 goal
Last gift received on Mar 18, 2024
Total raised since group was created
Total given to charities, Campaigns, or other Givings Groups
Money currently available to give from this group
This group has not yet chosen a Campaign or charity to support.