1 Bible to every home
1 Bible to every student
1 set of 4 Bibles to every temple the entire kingdom of Thailand (approximately 35,000,000 Bibles).
We use the Thai SourceView Bible (, which is a new tool that increases Bible engagement and facilitates basic church planting.
In order to accomplish our goal, we have divided up the entire nation of Thailand according to the political divisions:
77 Provinces
878 Districts
7,255 Sub-Districts
74,965 villages
On the website: you will find information of population, number of homes, schools, students, temples, churches, how many Bibles are needed and how much it would cost to get those Bibles for each one of those provinces, Districts, Sub-Districts and villages.
There are two main relationships that we are inviting people into:
1. Sponsors
2. Partners
Sponsors are individuals, groups, churches and organizations that have a desire to help get a village filled with the word of God. Sponsors see this vision fulfilled through
1. prayer,
2. giving financially
3. sending a team to distribute the Bibles in the sponsored village.
Sharing BiblesPartners are teams, churches or organizations that reside permanently in Thailand. Partners take responsibility for a larger area of many villages like an entire District or even a province in Thailand. Partners are facilitators for sponsors to work with.
The free Share Bibles app empowers the user to gather accurate, detailed data with maps that anyone can use. It facilitates random users past, present and future to collaborate together to make sure no home is missed.
Share Bibles is an initiative from the body of Christ in Thailand to support the national vision of 2,000,000 Thai Christians and a church in every tambon by the year 2020.
Last gift received on Dec 15, 2023
Total given to charities, Campaigns, or other Givings Groups
Money currently available to give from this group