In SE Asia, poverty is a leading cause of people entering exploitative work. Learning the trade of hairdressing is one way of empowering individuals through safe and dignified work. Mary will be using her skills as a hairdresser to support the work of the salon through training and teaching.
We’re currently fundraising 100% of Mary's salary to cover our living expenses. Our giving goal is for one year of our living and operational expenses — enabling us to provide education and safe work environments in SE Asia.
If you would like to support us through monthly partnership - We're asking for:
10 friends to give $50
6 friends to give $100
2 friends to give $200
To support my $1500 monthly goal!
We appreciate you!
of $20,000.00 goal
Last gift received on Feb 1, 2025
Total raised since group was created
Total given to charities, Campaigns, or other Givings Groups
Money currently available to give from this group
This group has not yet chosen a Campaign or charity to support.