Giving Group

Josh Vander Vies Fund

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Group created on Oct 2, 2012

Total raised since group was created


Last gift received on May 29, 2018



Total given to charities, Campaigns, or other Givings Groups


Money currently available to give from this group

This Giving Group supports...

This group has not yet chosen a Campaign or charity to support.

Group Admins

Canadians with disabilities deserve to be empowered by inclusive and exciting sports like boccia, their communities, and your support.

The Group's Purpose

Paralympic indoor boccia combines strategy and physical skill. Played from the grassroots to the highest level it also puts people with a wide range of disabilities on an equal playing field - on and off the court.

Learning how to be an elite boccia player gave me the confidence I needed to tackle other big goals: moving out on my own, graduating university, getting into law school and starting to build a family. Thanks for supporting me, and helping to propel other people with disabilities forward through the power of sport!

How to Help

About the Organizers

Group created on Oct 2, 2012

Total raised since group was created


Last gift received on May 29, 2018



Total given to charities, Campaigns, or other Givings Groups


Money currently available to give from this group

This Giving Group supports...

This group has not yet chosen a Campaign or charity to support.

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Giving Group

Josh Vander Vies Fund

Join this group to get updates, show your support, and connect with other group members.

Group Admins

Canadians with disabilities deserve to be empowered by inclusive and exciting sports like boccia, their communities, and your support.

The Group's Purpose

Paralympic indoor boccia combines strategy and physical skill. Played from the grassroots to the highest level it also puts people with a wide range of disabilities on an equal playing field - on and off the court.

Learning how to be an elite boccia player gave me the confidence I needed to tackle other big goals: moving out on my own, graduating university, getting into law school and starting to build a family. Thanks for supporting me, and helping to propel other people with disabilities forward through the power of sport!

How to Help

About the Organizers

Group created on Oct 2, 2012

Total raised since group was created


Last gift received on May 29, 2018



Total given to charities, Campaigns, or other Givings Groups


Money currently available to give from this group

This Giving Group supports...

This group has not yet chosen a Campaign or charity to support.

What’s an Impact Account?

A free, all-in-one giving platform to maximize your giving and support what you care about with more intention, meaning, and real-world impact.

Give to any Canadian registered charity

Our database of over 86,000 charities is updated weekly to ensure every single one is in good standing with the CRA.

Be ready when disaster strikes

Keep adding, bit by bit. When the unexpected happens, you’ll be ready to give without putting extra pressure on your budget.

Discover why Charitable Impact is the trusted giving partner to thousands of generous Canadians.