Giving Group

Fondation P'tit Coeur

Montreal, QC

Education and researchYouth/childrenHealthCommunity developmentOutreach and welfare

Join this group to get updates, show your support, and connect with other group members.

Raised towards giving goal


of $20,000.00 goal

Giving goal expired on Nov 1, 2024

Last gift received on Nov 13, 2024


Group created on Nov 4, 2023


Total raised since group was created


Total given to charities, Campaigns, or other Givings Groups


Money currently available to give from this group

This Giving Group supports...

This group has not yet chosen a Campaign or charity to support.

Group Admins

Fondation P'tit Coeur is a foundation based out of Montreal. QC. offering financial support to charities doing work in the field of mental health. Founded by Lisa Hall, a local real estate agent who donates a portion of all sales to the foundation, our goal is to have an impact on a larger scale.

About Us | À propos

At P’tit Coeur, we are passionately dedicated to fostering a brighter and healthier future for young minds. Our mission is to support charitable organizations that champion youth mental health services, creating a world where every young person has access to the support and resources they need to thrive emotionally, mentally, and socially.

Chez P’tit Cœur, nous nous engageons avec passion à favoriser un avenir meilleur et plus sain pour les jeunes esprits. Notre mission est de soutenir les organisations caritatives qui défendent les services de santé mentale pour les jeunes, en créant un monde où chaque jeune a accès au soutien et aux ressources dont il a besoin pour s’épanouir émotionnellement, mentalement et socialement.

Our Story | Notre histoire

Inspired by the tragic and untimely death of Adalya Dorvil, a bright light, who at the age of 17 still had so much to offer the world, we believe that no young person should face mental health challenges alone.

Adalya, means ladybug with two dots and we keep her memory alive, not only through our name and logo but most importantly through the positive impact we can have by supporting youth who need it most.

Inspirés par le décès tragique et prématuré d’Adalya Dorvil, une lumière brillante qui, à l’âge de 17 ans, avait encore tant à offrir au monde, nous croyons qu’aucun jeune ne devrait faire face seul à des problèmes de santé mentale.

Adalya signifie coccinelle à deux points et nous gardons sa mémoire vivante, non seulement grâce à notre nom et notre logo, mais surtout grâce à l’impact positif que nous pouvons avoir en soutenant les jeunes qui en ont le plus besoin.

Our Vision | Notre vision

We envision a world where the stigma surrounding mental health is replaced with empathy and understanding, where young people and their parents are equipped with the tools to navigate life’s challenges, and where mental wellness is as important as physical health.

Nous envisageons un monde où la stigmatisation entourant la santé mentale est remplacée par l’empathie et la compréhension, où les jeunes et leurs parents disposent des outils nécessaires pour relever les défis de la vie et où le bien-être mental est aussi important que la santé physique.

Our Mission | Notre mission

Our mission is to offer financial support to organizations that are advancing youth mental health services in ways that are impactful, sustainable, and inclusive.

In addition to offering financial support to organizations, we aim to raise awareness about the importance of youth mental health and the available resources. We believe that education is an important step to de-stigmatizing mental health issues.

We also aim to empower young people to be advocates for their own mental health.

Notre mission est d’offrir un soutien financier aux organisations qui font progresser les services de santé mentale pour les jeunes de manière efficace, durable et inclusive.

En plus d’offrir un soutien financier aux organismes, nous visons à sensibiliser les gens à l’importance de la santé mentale des jeunes et aux ressources disponibles. Nous croyons que l’éducation est une étape importante pour déstigmatiser les problèmes de santé mentale.

Nous visons également à donner aux jeunes les moyens de défendre leur propre santé mentale.

Raised towards giving goal


of $20,000.00 goal

Giving goal expired on Nov 1, 2024

Last gift received on Nov 13, 2024


Group created on Nov 4, 2023


Total raised since group was created


Total given to charities, Campaigns, or other Givings Groups


Money currently available to give from this group

This Giving Group supports...

This group has not yet chosen a Campaign or charity to support.

What’s an Impact Account?

A free, all-in-one giving platform to maximize your giving and support what you care about with more intention, meaning, and real-world impact.

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Our database of over 86,000 charities is updated weekly to ensure every single one is in good standing with the CRA.

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Discover why Charitable Impact is the trusted giving partner to thousands of generous Canadians.
Giving Group

Fondation P'tit Coeur

Montreal, QC

Education and researchYouth/childrenHealthCommunity developmentOutreach and welfare

Join this group to get updates, show your support, and connect with other group members.

Group Admins

Fondation P'tit Coeur is a foundation based out of Montreal. QC. offering financial support to charities doing work in the field of mental health. Founded by Lisa Hall, a local real estate agent who donates a portion of all sales to the foundation, our goal is to have an impact on a larger scale.

About Us | À propos

At P’tit Coeur, we are passionately dedicated to fostering a brighter and healthier future for young minds. Our mission is to support charitable organizations that champion youth mental health services, creating a world where every young person has access to the support and resources they need to thrive emotionally, mentally, and socially.

Chez P’tit Cœur, nous nous engageons avec passion à favoriser un avenir meilleur et plus sain pour les jeunes esprits. Notre mission est de soutenir les organisations caritatives qui défendent les services de santé mentale pour les jeunes, en créant un monde où chaque jeune a accès au soutien et aux ressources dont il a besoin pour s’épanouir émotionnellement, mentalement et socialement.

Our Story | Notre histoire

Inspired by the tragic and untimely death of Adalya Dorvil, a bright light, who at the age of 17 still had so much to offer the world, we believe that no young person should face mental health challenges alone.

Adalya, means ladybug with two dots and we keep her memory alive, not only through our name and logo but most importantly through the positive impact we can have by supporting youth who need it most.

Inspirés par le décès tragique et prématuré d’Adalya Dorvil, une lumière brillante qui, à l’âge de 17 ans, avait encore tant à offrir au monde, nous croyons qu’aucun jeune ne devrait faire face seul à des problèmes de santé mentale.

Adalya signifie coccinelle à deux points et nous gardons sa mémoire vivante, non seulement grâce à notre nom et notre logo, mais surtout grâce à l’impact positif que nous pouvons avoir en soutenant les jeunes qui en ont le plus besoin.

Our Vision | Notre vision

We envision a world where the stigma surrounding mental health is replaced with empathy and understanding, where young people and their parents are equipped with the tools to navigate life’s challenges, and where mental wellness is as important as physical health.

Nous envisageons un monde où la stigmatisation entourant la santé mentale est remplacée par l’empathie et la compréhension, où les jeunes et leurs parents disposent des outils nécessaires pour relever les défis de la vie et où le bien-être mental est aussi important que la santé physique.

Our Mission | Notre mission

Our mission is to offer financial support to organizations that are advancing youth mental health services in ways that are impactful, sustainable, and inclusive.

In addition to offering financial support to organizations, we aim to raise awareness about the importance of youth mental health and the available resources. We believe that education is an important step to de-stigmatizing mental health issues.

We also aim to empower young people to be advocates for their own mental health.

Notre mission est d’offrir un soutien financier aux organisations qui font progresser les services de santé mentale pour les jeunes de manière efficace, durable et inclusive.

En plus d’offrir un soutien financier aux organismes, nous visons à sensibiliser les gens à l’importance de la santé mentale des jeunes et aux ressources disponibles. Nous croyons que l’éducation est une étape importante pour déstigmatiser les problèmes de santé mentale.

Nous visons également à donner aux jeunes les moyens de défendre leur propre santé mentale.

Raised towards giving goal


of $20,000.00 goal

Giving goal expired on Nov 1, 2024

Last gift received on Nov 13, 2024


Group created on Nov 4, 2023


Total raised since group was created


Total given to charities, Campaigns, or other Givings Groups


Money currently available to give from this group

This Giving Group supports...

This group has not yet chosen a Campaign or charity to support.

What’s an Impact Account?

A free, all-in-one giving platform to maximize your giving and support what you care about with more intention, meaning, and real-world impact.

Give to any Canadian registered charity

Our database of over 86,000 charities is updated weekly to ensure every single one is in good standing with the CRA.

Be ready when disaster strikes

Keep adding, bit by bit. When the unexpected happens, you’ll be ready to give without putting extra pressure on your budget.

Discover why Charitable Impact is the trusted giving partner to thousands of generous Canadians.