Giving Group

B(e) Kind 366

Brandon, MB

Education and researchHealthOutreach and welfareInternational

Join this group to get updates, show your support, and connect with other group members.

Raised towards giving goal


of $10,000.00 goal

Giving goal expired on Dec 31, 2016

Last gift received on Feb 4, 2016


Group created on Jan 26, 2015


Total raised since group was created


Total given to charities, Campaigns, or other Givings Groups


Money currently available to give from this group

This Giving Group supports...

This group has not yet chosen a Campaign or charity to support.

Group Admins

B, that's me. It's short for Brandy and b(e)ing kind is my thing. I'm doing an Act of Kindness every day in 2016! Find B(e) Kind 366 on Facebook and join me! After all, kindness is catching! For the month of July I'm doing a 100 item giveaway challenge. (Offline = $685)

The Group's Purpose

In addition to the Random Act of Kindness a day for 366 days, I'll be taking on monthly challenges in an effort to raise funds for three charities. World University Service of Canada's Student Refugee Program provides students in refugee camps with their right to a proper post-secondary education that enables them to change their lives, the lives of their families, and the world for the better. The Western Manitoba Women's Regional Resource Centre provides programs, services, and counselling on issues affecting women, including family violence while encouraging respect, diversity and equality with a feminist perspective. The Canadian Cancer Society, Manitoba Division funds research to find a cure for the disease that has touched us all in some way.

How to Help

Open your heart. Open your wallet. DONATE. Tell your friends. Tell the world!

About the Organizers

Rather than tell you about me, I'll tell you why each of the three organizations is important to me. In the ten years I have been a volunteer for WUSC (World University Service of Canada), the students who have come through the Student Refugee Program have changed my life, given me so much knowledge, and opened my mind and heart to the plights of others. The work that The Women's Resource Centre does with women in my community inspires me every day. Being committed to guiding and supporting women in a non-judgemental, positive way no matter the situation is something I strive towards in my own personal life. I, like most people, have lost multiple loved ones to Cancer who will always be remembered and cherished and whose fights deserve recognition.

Raised towards giving goal


of $10,000.00 goal

Giving goal expired on Dec 31, 2016

Last gift received on Feb 4, 2016


Group created on Jan 26, 2015


Total raised since group was created


Total given to charities, Campaigns, or other Givings Groups


Money currently available to give from this group

This Giving Group supports...

This group has not yet chosen a Campaign or charity to support.

Giving Group

B(e) Kind 366

Brandon, MB

Education and researchHealthOutreach and welfareInternational

Join this group to get updates, show your support, and connect with other group members.

Group Admins

B, that's me. It's short for Brandy and b(e)ing kind is my thing. I'm doing an Act of Kindness every day in 2016! Find B(e) Kind 366 on Facebook and join me! After all, kindness is catching! For the month of July I'm doing a 100 item giveaway challenge. (Offline = $685)

The Group's Purpose

In addition to the Random Act of Kindness a day for 366 days, I'll be taking on monthly challenges in an effort to raise funds for three charities. World University Service of Canada's Student Refugee Program provides students in refugee camps with their right to a proper post-secondary education that enables them to change their lives, the lives of their families, and the world for the better. The Western Manitoba Women's Regional Resource Centre provides programs, services, and counselling on issues affecting women, including family violence while encouraging respect, diversity and equality with a feminist perspective. The Canadian Cancer Society, Manitoba Division funds research to find a cure for the disease that has touched us all in some way.

How to Help

Open your heart. Open your wallet. DONATE. Tell your friends. Tell the world!

About the Organizers

Rather than tell you about me, I'll tell you why each of the three organizations is important to me. In the ten years I have been a volunteer for WUSC (World University Service of Canada), the students who have come through the Student Refugee Program have changed my life, given me so much knowledge, and opened my mind and heart to the plights of others. The work that The Women's Resource Centre does with women in my community inspires me every day. Being committed to guiding and supporting women in a non-judgemental, positive way no matter the situation is something I strive towards in my own personal life. I, like most people, have lost multiple loved ones to Cancer who will always be remembered and cherished and whose fights deserve recognition.

Raised towards giving goal


of $10,000.00 goal

Giving goal expired on Dec 31, 2016

Last gift received on Feb 4, 2016


Group created on Jan 26, 2015


Total raised since group was created


Total given to charities, Campaigns, or other Givings Groups


Money currently available to give from this group

This Giving Group supports...

This group has not yet chosen a Campaign or charity to support.