Crazy times. That's what I find myself saying all the time. Lives have been lost. Jobs have been lost. Time has been lost. And it's devastating. It really is.
But imagine a world where you can't access clean water to wash your hands or cook with let alone drink. Imagine a world where you're a child that has been sold into slavery and trafficked to remote parts of the world against your will.
That's the reality all too many people face today and every day. Before, during, and after this global pandemic. But luckily there are some amazing people and organizations like International Justice Mission and ACTS for Water that are working to change that. Today and every day. Before, during, and after this global pandemic.
We know there are a lot of needs in Canada and in our communities and we don't want to diminish or ignore that. But we also know when the world suffers, the most vulnerable among us suffer the most and that's who we are trying to help and support through this year's fundraiser.
Make a donation.
Times are tough so please chip in whatever you can. $10, $20, or $50. We will happily accept, and match dollar for dollar, whatever you can contribute.
Learn more.
Check out and for more information on these amazing organizations and their work.
This is the 1oth year we've been raising money for organizations near and dear to us. We are so thankful to be in a position where we can give and support great organizations doing work we believe in and are so appreciative of all the past support of friends and family (you!) have given us as well.
Thanks in advance for considering supporting us, IJM and ACTS for Water and the people they serve.
- Brady, Liz, and Hendrix
of $2,000.00 goal
Last gift received on May 16, 2020
Total raised since group was created
Total given to charities, Campaigns, or other Givings Groups
Money currently available to give from this group
This group has not yet chosen a Campaign or charity to support.