How to claim your charity page

Claim with an access code

Enter your charity's access code. This code is included in the disbursement letter mailed to you when gifts are sent to your charity on Charitable Impact. Please make sure to use the access code on the most recent letter you've received from us.

Claim without an access code


Email us at [email protected] with the name and registration number of the charity you wish to claim.


We complete a manual verification process in order to grant administrative privileges to the charity page. To speed up the process, please ensure that you provide us with one of the following pieces of information:

An email that is listed on your charity's Canadian Revenue Agency (CRA) profile online as the “Charity Email Address”.

A link to the charity’s official website that confirms your email’s association with the charity.

This website should be displayed on CRA’s listing for your charity as the “Charity Website Address”.

A letter signed by a current Director/Trustee that authorizes your email to access the charity profile.

(Please note that the Director/Trustee must be named on the most recent T3010 report found on CRA’s listing for your charity.)


We will send an invitation to the verified email for you to claim your charity.

You will be prompted to either set up an Impact Account with admin privileges for your Charity Account or log into an existing Impact Account.


You can now customize your charity page, access donor and gift information, set up direct deposit, and invite additional admins to manage your Charity Account with you.

The benefits of claiming your charity

Get gifts faster and customize your charity page

Set up direct deposit and receive gifts on a weekly basis, rather than twice monthly by cheque

Edit your charity description, contact information, and logo on your charity page

Get notified when you receive a gift from a donor, and immediately thank those who give to you

Download monthly transaction reports to see gift details

How to claim your charity page

Claim with an access code

Enter your charity's access code. This code is included in the disbursement letter mailed to you when gifts are sent to your charity on Charitable Impact. Please make sure to use the access code on the most recent letter you've received from us.

Claim without an access code


Email us at [email protected] with the name and registration number of the charity you wish to claim.


We complete a manual verification process in order to grant administrative privileges to the charity page. To speed up the process, please ensure that you provide us with one of the following pieces of information:

An email that is listed on your charity's Canadian Revenue Agency (CRA) profile online as the “Charity Email Address”.

A link to the charity’s official website that confirms your email’s association with the charity.

This website should be displayed on CRA’s listing for your charity as the “Charity Website Address”.

A letter signed by a current Director/Trustee that authorizes your email to access the charity profile.

(Please note that the Director/Trustee must be named on the most recent T3010 report found on CRA’s listing for your charity.)


We will send an invitation to the verified email for you to claim your charity.

You will be prompted to either set up an Impact Account with admin privileges for your Charity Account or log into an existing Impact Account.


You can now customize your charity page, access donor and gift information, set up direct deposit, and invite additional admins to manage your Charity Account with you.

The benefits of claiming your charity

Get gifts faster and customize your charity page

Set up direct deposit and receive gifts on a weekly basis, rather than twice monthly by cheque

Edit your charity description, contact information, and logo on your charity page

Get notified when you receive a gift from a donor, and immediately thank those who give to you

Download monthly transaction reports to see gift details