Charitable organization

Whistler Institute Of Learning Society

Whistler, BC

Education and research
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CRA registration number:

Suki Cheyne
PO Box 1475,Whistler,BC,CA,V0N1B0

Influencing change and inspiring minds through education and thought leadership.

The Whistler Institute’s creative educational programs delivered in partnership with postsecondary institutions and independent educators provide micro-credentials, certificates, diplomas and degrees in a variety of disciplines. The Institute’s educational programs act as an incubator for new ideas by providing innovative learning and development opportunities to meet the unique needs of this region.

The Global Perspectives Speaker Series is designed to stimulate discussion and inspire action around major issues facing the world today and into the future. Global Perspectives brings together leading experts in a panel setting to discuss important topics and to provide a roadmap for local action while influencing globally.

The Whistler Institute is committed to making a difference by partnering with individuals and organizations that are dedicated to providing opportunities for learning and influencing change; by encouraging innovation and creativity in learning opportunities; by thoughtful consideration of global issues; by connecting with leading subject experts, communities and institutions to affect change; and by inspiring individuals and organizations to take initiative.

Key areas of focus include Indigenous learning, environmental studies, business and leadership training, and innovation in technology.
Influencing change and inspiring minds through education and thought leadership.

The Whistler Institute’s creative educational programs delivered in partnership with postsecondary institutions and independent educators provide micro-credentials, certificates, diplomas and degrees in a variety of disciplines. The Institute’s educational programs act as an incubator for new ideas by providing innovative learning and development opportunities to meet the unique needs of this region.

The Global Perspectives Speaker Series is designed to stimulate discussion and inspire action around major issues facing the world today and into the future. Global Perspectives brings together leading experts in a panel setting to discuss important topics and to provide a roadmap for local action while influencing globally.

The Whistler Institute is committed to making a difference by partnering with individuals and organizations that are dedicated to providing opportunities for learning and influencing change; by encouraging innovation and creativity in learning opportunities; by thoughtful consideration of global issues; by connecting with leading subject experts, communities and institutions to affect change; and by inspiring individuals and organizations to take initiative.

Key areas of focus include Indigenous learning, environmental studies, business and leadership training, and innovation in technology.

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Charitable organization

Whistler Institute Of Learning Society

Whistler, BC

Education and research

CRA registration number:

Suki Cheyne
PO Box 1475,Whistler,BC,CA,V0N1B0

Influencing change and inspiring minds through education and thought leadership.

The Whistler Institute’s creative educational programs delivered in partnership with postsecondary institutions and independent educators provide micro-credentials, certificates, diplomas and degrees in a variety of disciplines. The Institute’s educational programs act as an incubator for new ideas by providing innovative learning and development opportunities to meet the unique needs of this region.

The Global Perspectives Speaker Series is designed to stimulate discussion and inspire action around major issues facing the world today and into the future. Global Perspectives brings together leading experts in a panel setting to discuss important topics and to provide a roadmap for local action while influencing globally.

The Whistler Institute is committed to making a difference by partnering with individuals and organizations that are dedicated to providing opportunities for learning and influencing change; by encouraging innovation and creativity in learning opportunities; by thoughtful consideration of global issues; by connecting with leading subject experts, communities and institutions to affect change; and by inspiring individuals and organizations to take initiative.

Key areas of focus include Indigenous learning, environmental studies, business and leadership training, and innovation in technology.

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