Charitable organization

Talitha Koum Society

Coquitlam, BC

Education and researchHuman rightsOutreach and welfare
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CRA registration number:

Odo Nkum
(604) 492-3393
P.O Box 64596 Como Lake Post office,Coquitlam,BC,CA,V3J7V7

Offers two nine-bed supportive housing facilities in the Tri-Cities area for women seeking substance use recovery. Requires a minimum six-month commitment and offers a program based on the 12-step model and life skills education. Accepts women with children age six and under. Focus is on personal and spiritual growth through the 12 steps, individual case management and counselling, one-on-one support, 24-hour supervision, and access to community services such as education and training opportunities. Women are encouraged to work once they are in second-stage recovery. Self-referrals are accepted. Accepts women on suboxone (but not methadone) maintenance. Registered with the Assisted Living Registry, Ministry of Health. Office hours are 8 am to 4 pm Monday to Friday.
Offers two nine-bed supportive housing facilities in the Tri-Cities area for women seeking substance use recovery. Requires a minimum six-month commitment and offers a program based on the 12-step model and life skills education. Accepts women with children age six and under. Focus is on personal and spiritual growth through the 12 steps, individual case management and counselling, one-on-one support, 24-hour supervision, and access to community services such as education and training opportunities. Women are encouraged to work once they are in second-stage recovery. Self-referrals are accepted. Accepts women on suboxone (but not methadone) maintenance. Registered with the Assisted Living Registry, Ministry of Health. Office hours are 8 am to 4 pm Monday to Friday.

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Charitable organization

Talitha Koum Society

Coquitlam, BC

Education and researchHuman rightsOutreach and welfare

CRA registration number:

Odo Nkum
(604) 492-3393
P.O Box 64596 Como Lake Post office,Coquitlam,BC,CA,V3J7V7

Offers two nine-bed supportive housing facilities in the Tri-Cities area for women seeking substance use recovery. Requires a minimum six-month commitment and offers a program based on the 12-step model and life skills education. Accepts women with children age six and under. Focus is on personal and spiritual growth through the 12 steps, individual case management and counselling, one-on-one support, 24-hour supervision, and access to community services such as education and training opportunities. Women are encouraged to work once they are in second-stage recovery. Self-referrals are accepted. Accepts women on suboxone (but not methadone) maintenance. Registered with the Assisted Living Registry, Ministry of Health. Office hours are 8 am to 4 pm Monday to Friday.

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