CRA registration number:
Soul Care currently offers the following programs
3 one-year Spiritual Formation Programs (in person and online options)
- Year One
- Year Two: Cloister
- Year Three: Red Cedar
Spiritual Direction Training School
Spiritual Direction
Soul Care Retreats
Soul Care Community Events
Various On-line Courses
Founded by Cathy AJ Hardy, Soul Care began through contemplative Soul Care Retreats in 2003. Over the years as many people continued to return to these retreats, the work expanded into the year long spiritual formation programs and the offering of Spiritual Direction. The first Spiritual Direction Training School began in 2020.
Rooted in the contemplative Christian mystical tradition, Soul Care is based upon the unconditional merciful Love that the mystics experienced and expressed in their lives and writings. It is the belief that we come from Love and we are being re-membered into this Love. We are inspired by lives such as St. Brigid, St. Francis, St. Teresa and St. John of the Cross. We are inspired by the life of Christ who invites us to live from the well-springs within and pour our lives out from the mercy and generous love we have known.
We seek to build a wide circle of relationships in this soul care journey, including those within a similar tradition, inter-faith relationships, and those who have no religious identity.
For more information on Soul Care:
For more information on Cathy AJ Hardy:
Soul Care Society Charitable Status
Soul Care Society has now received charitable status. As we set up the administration for this charity, we are keeping our connection with Charitable Impact to receive donations. When you donate to the work of Soul Care through Charitable Impact, you will receive a tax receipt back from Charitable Impact for the date you donated. Charitable Impact then passes on the funds to Soul Care Society right away.
Current Fundraising Projects
For 2025 / 2026 funds raised will be supporting our Soul Care Spiritual Direction Training program and the Soul Care Scholarship Fund.
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