Charitable organization

Salama Shield Foundation

Plattsville, ON

Community developmentInternationalOutreach and welfare
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CRA registration number:

Dennis Willms
896941 Washington Road,Plattsville,ON,CA,N0J1S0

Salama Shield provides program initiatives through a broad-based community development model. Operations include a community development centre in Uganda providing information and support resources within the community. Programs include: (1) finance/income generation- microcredit for women- offers low-interest funds to enable women to start a business; Alternative Income programs- addresses the needs of youth/vulnerable children in earning an income; (2) Clean water/sanitation- access to clean water- provide wells/water catchment systems; and (3) Health Promotion/Education- mentorship programs to encourage risk-adverse behaviours in youth and reduce gender disparities; health education and information for adults. As an extension to the development activities noted above, Salama Shield also provides vocational education for orphans and vulnerable youth in community to gain skills leading to enhanced income generation opportunities.
Salama Shield provides program initiatives through a broad-based community development model. Operations include a community development centre in Uganda providing information and support resources within the community. Programs include: (1) finance/income generation- microcredit for women- offers low-interest funds to enable women to start a business; Alternative Income programs- addresses the needs of youth/vulnerable children in earning an income; (2) Clean water/sanitation- access to clean water- provide wells/water catchment systems; and (3) Health Promotion/Education- mentorship programs to encourage risk-adverse behaviours in youth and reduce gender disparities; health education and information for adults. As an extension to the development activities noted above, Salama Shield also provides vocational education for orphans and vulnerable youth in community to gain skills leading to enhanced income generation opportunities.

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Charitable organization

Salama Shield Foundation

Plattsville, ON

Community developmentInternationalOutreach and welfare

CRA registration number:

Dennis Willms
896941 Washington Road,Plattsville,ON,CA,N0J1S0

Salama Shield provides program initiatives through a broad-based community development model. Operations include a community development centre in Uganda providing information and support resources within the community. Programs include: (1) finance/income generation- microcredit for women- offers low-interest funds to enable women to start a business; Alternative Income programs- addresses the needs of youth/vulnerable children in earning an income; (2) Clean water/sanitation- access to clean water- provide wells/water catchment systems; and (3) Health Promotion/Education- mentorship programs to encourage risk-adverse behaviours in youth and reduce gender disparities; health education and information for adults. As an extension to the development activities noted above, Salama Shield also provides vocational education for orphans and vulnerable youth in community to gain skills leading to enhanced income generation opportunities.

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