Charitable organization

Saanich Neighbourhood Place

Victoria, BC

Education and researchHealthYouth/children
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CRA registration number:

Jacquelin Green
3100 Tillicum Rd,Victoria,BC,CA,V9A6T2

Saanich Neighbourhood Place (est.1997) is a family resource organization that provides accessible and inclusive programs and resources to families, youth, and children. We are the only neighbourhood house in Saanich BC, offering families across the district and from surrounding neighbourhoods accessibe, inclusive and respectful services in a welcoming environment.

We provide Family Support Services, which include pre/post natal/postpartum education and support, parenting workshops and support groups, fathers programs, LGTBQ+ programming for parents and youth, food equity programs, resources and classes. Food equity programs include weekly family dinners, lunches for participants in all programs, cooking classes and nutrition programs.

Early Childhood Development Programs, which offer parent and tot playgroups, as well as licenced childcare services, provide families with children under 5 a range of options from 'play and learn together' programs, childminding so parents can attend our programs or Licensed Childcare. Childcare programs include Full o'Beans Preschool, which offers two part-day morning programs for children 3-5 yrs., Full o'Beans Full-time and Beansprouts Infant and Toddler Care. Full day programs, which offer full day care for 49 children 0-5 years, are located in the SNP Child and Family Center, opened in August 2021.
Saanich Neighbourhood Place (est.1997) is a family resource organization that provides accessible and inclusive programs and resources to families, youth, and children. We are the only neighbourhood house in Saanich BC, offering families across the district and from surrounding neighbourhoods accessibe, inclusive and respectful services in a welcoming environment.

We provide Family Support Services, which include pre/post natal/postpartum education and support, parenting workshops and support groups, fathers programs, LGTBQ+ programming for parents and youth, food equity programs, resources and classes. Food equity programs include weekly family dinners, lunches for participants in all programs, cooking classes and nutrition programs.

Early Childhood Development Programs, which offer parent and tot playgroups, as well as licenced childcare services, provide families with children under 5 a range of options from 'play and learn together' programs, childminding so parents can attend our programs or Licensed Childcare. Childcare programs include Full o'Beans Preschool, which offers two part-day morning programs for children 3-5 yrs., Full o'Beans Full-time and Beansprouts Infant and Toddler Care. Full day programs, which offer full day care for 49 children 0-5 years, are located in the SNP Child and Family Center, opened in August 2021.

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Charitable organization

Saanich Neighbourhood Place

Victoria, BC

Education and researchHealthYouth/children

CRA registration number:

Jacquelin Green
3100 Tillicum Rd,Victoria,BC,CA,V9A6T2

Saanich Neighbourhood Place (est.1997) is a family resource organization that provides accessible and inclusive programs and resources to families, youth, and children. We are the only neighbourhood house in Saanich BC, offering families across the district and from surrounding neighbourhoods accessibe, inclusive and respectful services in a welcoming environment.

We provide Family Support Services, which include pre/post natal/postpartum education and support, parenting workshops and support groups, fathers programs, LGTBQ+ programming for parents and youth, food equity programs, resources and classes. Food equity programs include weekly family dinners, lunches for participants in all programs, cooking classes and nutrition programs.

Early Childhood Development Programs, which offer parent and tot playgroups, as well as licenced childcare services, provide families with children under 5 a range of options from 'play and learn together' programs, childminding so parents can attend our programs or Licensed Childcare. Childcare programs include Full o'Beans Preschool, which offers two part-day morning programs for children 3-5 yrs., Full o'Beans Full-time and Beansprouts Infant and Toddler Care. Full day programs, which offer full day care for 49 children 0-5 years, are located in the SNP Child and Family Center, opened in August 2021.

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