Charitable organization

Pacific Foundation For Understanding Nature Society

North Vancouver, BC

Education and researchEnvironment
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CRA registration number:

Victor Elderton
(604) 240-0962
2823 Sechelt Drive,North Vancouver,BC,CA,V7H1P5

Mission of the Society

The Pacific Foundation for Understanding Nature Society (Pac FUNS) was established in November of 1994. The mandate of Pac FUNS is to facilitate fund-raising partnerships and develop direct fund-raising initiatives to:

• support local and international involvement in environmental and cultural educational programmes
• assist in funding for facility building projects and programme development in environmental and cultural education
• to work in partnership with Cheakamus Foundation for Environmental Learning to facilitate capital improvement at the Outdoor School to enhance its programs in experiential environmental and cultural education

By completing projects related to the main purposes of the society Pac FUNS intends to enhance the capacity for experiential learning in both environmental and cultural programming in British Columbia and the Pacific Northwest.

Specific work of the Pac FUNS includes:

• Continued support of leadership initiatives for youth and young leaders such as internships & conference/seminar sponsors
• Continued support, engagement in community sustainable, environmental learning
• Continued support of experiential education events/prgs in nature
• Continued engagement in conferences, seminars with environmental learning
• Continued support of EE of BC (Walking the Talk), NVOSAS Alumni Society
Mission of the Society

The Pacific Foundation for Understanding Nature Society (Pac FUNS) was established in November of 1994. The mandate of Pac FUNS is to facilitate fund-raising partnerships and develop direct fund-raising initiatives to:

• support local and international involvement in environmental and cultural educational programmes
• assist in funding for facility building projects and programme development in environmental and cultural education
• to work in partnership with Cheakamus Foundation for Environmental Learning to facilitate capital improvement at the Outdoor School to enhance its programs in experiential environmental and cultural education

By completing projects related to the main purposes of the society Pac FUNS intends to enhance the capacity for experiential learning in both environmental and cultural programming in British Columbia and the Pacific Northwest.

Specific work of the Pac FUNS includes:

• Continued support of leadership initiatives for youth and young leaders such as internships & conference/seminar sponsors
• Continued support, engagement in community sustainable, environmental learning
• Continued support of experiential education events/prgs in nature
• Continued engagement in conferences, seminars with environmental learning
• Continued support of EE of BC (Walking the Talk), NVOSAS Alumni Society

Program areas

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Charitable organization

Pacific Foundation For Understanding Nature Society

North Vancouver, BC

Education and researchEnvironment

CRA registration number:

Victor Elderton
(604) 240-0962
2823 Sechelt Drive,North Vancouver,BC,CA,V7H1P5

Mission of the Society

The Pacific Foundation for Understanding Nature Society (Pac FUNS) was established in November of 1994. The mandate of Pac FUNS is to facilitate fund-raising partnerships and develop direct fund-raising initiatives to:

• support local and international involvement in environmental and cultural educational programmes
• assist in funding for facility building projects and programme development in environmental and cultural education
• to work in partnership with Cheakamus Foundation for Environmental Learning to facilitate capital improvement at the Outdoor School to enhance its programs in experiential environmental and cultural education

By completing projects related to the main purposes of the society Pac FUNS intends to enhance the capacity for experiential learning in both environmental and cultural programming in British Columbia and the Pacific Northwest.

Specific work of the Pac FUNS includes:

• Continued support of leadership initiatives for youth and young leaders such as internships & conference/seminar sponsors
• Continued support, engagement in community sustainable, environmental learning
• Continued support of experiential education events/prgs in nature
• Continued engagement in conferences, seminars with environmental learning
• Continued support of EE of BC (Walking the Talk), NVOSAS Alumni Society

Program areas

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