Charitable organization

Ki-Low-Na Friendship Society

Kelowna, BC

Community development
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CRA registration number:

Jeremy Bowers
(250) 763-4905
442 Leon Ave,Kelowna,BC,CA,V1Y6J3

The Society provides support for the mental, physical and spiritual well-being of all people through the development of community based services while providing a gathering place that encourages Aboriginal people and the whole community to preserve, share and promote Aboriginal Cultural distinctiveness. The society offers activities for infants, children, youth and elders including, but not limited to, free meals, workshops, counseling for mental health, addictions, family support, poverty law support and chronic disease prevention. The Society offers cultural programs for children ages 6-12. The Aboriginal Preschool provides kindergarten readiness for childres ages 3-5, as well as, provides education for parents and families. (...) The Society provides programs for youth at risk including counselling. The Society also provides Englis language services for adult immigrants and refugees. The Society has an outreach program that works with the homeless. The Society also owns and operates an affordable housing project in downtown Kelowna called i spa-us ki-low-na.
The Society provides support for the mental, physical and spiritual well-being of all people through the development of community based services while providing a gathering place that encourages Aboriginal people and the whole community to preserve, share and promote Aboriginal Cultural distinctiveness. The society offers activities for infants, children, youth and elders including, but not limited to, free meals, workshops, counseling for mental health, addictions, family support, poverty law support and chronic disease prevention. The Society offers cultural programs for children ages 6-12. The Aboriginal Preschool provides kindergarten readiness for childres ages 3-5, as well as, provides education for parents and families. (...) The Society provides programs for youth at risk including counselling. The Society also provides Englis language services for adult immigrants and refugees. The Society has an outreach program that works with the homeless. The Society also owns and operates an affordable housing project in downtown Kelowna called i spa-us ki-low-na.

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Charitable organization

Ki-Low-Na Friendship Society

Kelowna, BC

Community development

CRA registration number:

Jeremy Bowers
(250) 763-4905
442 Leon Ave,Kelowna,BC,CA,V1Y6J3

The Society provides support for the mental, physical and spiritual well-being of all people through the development of community based services while providing a gathering place that encourages Aboriginal people and the whole community to preserve, share and promote Aboriginal Cultural distinctiveness. The society offers activities for infants, children, youth and elders including, but not limited to, free meals, workshops, counseling for mental health, addictions, family support, poverty law support and chronic disease prevention. The Society offers cultural programs for children ages 6-12. The Aboriginal Preschool provides kindergarten readiness for childres ages 3-5, as well as, provides education for parents and families. (...) The Society provides programs for youth at risk including counselling. The Society also provides Englis language services for adult immigrants and refugees. The Society has an outreach program that works with the homeless. The Society also owns and operates an affordable housing project in downtown Kelowna called i spa-us ki-low-na.

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