Private foundation

J And W Murphy Foundation

Halifax, NS

Arts and cultureEducation and researchOutreach and welfare

CRA registration number:

1777 Bloomingdale Terr,Halifax,NS,CA,B3H4E6

The Foundation continued to support qualified donees with disbursements to further their programming advancing literacy, combatting housing and food insecurity, providing newcomer resources, youth education and specialty camps, initiatives in diversity, equity and inclusivity, and reconciliation, access to education and adult learning, mental health programs, the arts, culture, and animal welfare, among others.

The Foundation developed new partnerships with qualified donees delivering programs and services to improve access to healthcare, including mental health care, to support music education and community arts (theatre and film) infrastructure and development, and access to education in marginalized communities. We also supported several important new healthcare equipment acquisitions & building capital projects in Nova Scotia. Our giving focusses primarily, but not exclusively, on qualified donees within Nova Scotia.

The Foundation continued to support qualified donees with disbursements to further their programming advancing literacy, combatting housing and food insecurity, providing newcomer resources, youth education and specialty camps, initiatives in diversity, equity and inclusivity, and reconciliation, access to education and adult learning, mental health programs, the arts, culture, and animal welfare, among others.

The Foundation developed new partnerships with qualified donees delivering programs and services to improve access to healthcare, including mental health care, to support music education and community arts (theatre and film) infrastructure and development, and access to education in marginalized communities. We also supported several important new healthcare equipment acquisitions & building capital projects in Nova Scotia. Our giving focusses primarily, but not exclusively, on qualified donees within Nova Scotia.

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Private foundation

J And W Murphy Foundation

Halifax, NS

Arts and cultureEducation and researchOutreach and welfare

CRA registration number:

1777 Bloomingdale Terr,Halifax,NS,CA,B3H4E6

The Foundation continued to support qualified donees with disbursements to further their programming advancing literacy, combatting housing and food insecurity, providing newcomer resources, youth education and specialty camps, initiatives in diversity, equity and inclusivity, and reconciliation, access to education and adult learning, mental health programs, the arts, culture, and animal welfare, among others.

The Foundation developed new partnerships with qualified donees delivering programs and services to improve access to healthcare, including mental health care, to support music education and community arts (theatre and film) infrastructure and development, and access to education in marginalized communities. We also supported several important new healthcare equipment acquisitions & building capital projects in Nova Scotia. Our giving focusses primarily, but not exclusively, on qualified donees within Nova Scotia.

Program areas

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