Charitable organization

Daily Bread Food Bank

Toronto, ON

Outreach and welfare
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CRA registration number:

Korie Geroche
191 New Toronto St.,Toronto,ON,CA,M8V2E7

The mission of the Daily Bread Food Bank is to alleviate hunger and help ifght the underlying poverty that cause hunger. This is done in several ways:(1) Through the collection and distribution of food through its 108,000 sq. ft. distribution centre to its approximately 200 member agency programs that directly serve clients.(2) Ensuring that food distribution occurs across Toronto by supporting agencies in their initial creation and ongoing operations. Financial grants are made for special items.(3) Through research on poverty, education and advocating for improved government policies to eliminate poverty and promote independence.(4) Providing an Information and Referral service to clients covering issues such as housing, education, employment, social assistance or crisis counselling.(5) Daily Bread also runs 8,000 sq. ft. industrial kitchen. The kitchen prepares over 3,500 servings a week for Toronto's meal programs.(6) Daily Bread also acts as a major distribution point for the Ontario Association of Food Banks(OAFB) in distributing food across Ontario.
The mission of the Daily Bread Food Bank is to alleviate hunger and help ifght the underlying poverty that cause hunger. This is done in several ways:(1) Through the collection and distribution of food through its 108,000 sq. ft. distribution centre to its approximately 200 member agency programs that directly serve clients.(2) Ensuring that food distribution occurs across Toronto by supporting agencies in their initial creation and ongoing operations. Financial grants are made for special items.(3) Through research on poverty, education and advocating for improved government policies to eliminate poverty and promote independence.(4) Providing an Information and Referral service to clients covering issues such as housing, education, employment, social assistance or crisis counselling.(5) Daily Bread also runs 8,000 sq. ft. industrial kitchen. The kitchen prepares over 3,500 servings a week for Toronto's meal programs.(6) Daily Bread also acts as a major distribution point for the Ontario Association of Food Banks(OAFB) in distributing food across Ontario.

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Charitable organization

Daily Bread Food Bank

Toronto, ON

Outreach and welfare

CRA registration number:

Korie Geroche
191 New Toronto St.,Toronto,ON,CA,M8V2E7

The mission of the Daily Bread Food Bank is to alleviate hunger and help ifght the underlying poverty that cause hunger. This is done in several ways:(1) Through the collection and distribution of food through its 108,000 sq. ft. distribution centre to its approximately 200 member agency programs that directly serve clients.(2) Ensuring that food distribution occurs across Toronto by supporting agencies in their initial creation and ongoing operations. Financial grants are made for special items.(3) Through research on poverty, education and advocating for improved government policies to eliminate poverty and promote independence.(4) Providing an Information and Referral service to clients covering issues such as housing, education, employment, social assistance or crisis counselling.(5) Daily Bread also runs 8,000 sq. ft. industrial kitchen. The kitchen prepares over 3,500 servings a week for Toronto's meal programs.(6) Daily Bread also acts as a major distribution point for the Ontario Association of Food Banks(OAFB) in distributing food across Ontario.

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